Woke up yesterday with a rip-roaring head cold, logged on to blogger, and thought for a second I was hallucinating. All your lovely icons and photos under the followers section had disappeared overnight. In my confused and congested state my first thought was, “What did I SAY to have cleaned house this thoroughly?” I reread what I wrote, but still came up puzzled. Did you not want to hear bad news? Was I too negative? Didn’t know. So, as I always do in both good times and bad, I made some strong, black coffee and jolted myself back to reason. Unless I had dropped a bibliophilic bomb of massive weight it’s statistically impossible to have lost everyone the very same day.
A little exploration around the site showed that you were all here – yay! – but the question was where were you hiding and why? I clicked, I refreshed, I did everything but send out a Search and Rescue party, all to no avail. Finally I found a site that reports problems with blogger. The very first message at the top read in bold caps “MY FOLLOWERS ARE MISSING!” Turns out, this was a common occurrence, along with a host of other problems. I had had trouble getting my photo uploaded on the last post and that had been mentioned as well, as had problems with comments. If you tried to leave a comment and ran into a brick wall please try again.
I still don’t know whether we’re good to go yet – guess I’ll find out when I post -- but you’re back and I’m very happy to see you all this morning. Without you there would be no reason to spill as many words as I do into the ether. So let me take this opportunity to thank you for being here, for reading my musings, and for enlivening the conversation with your posts. It’s been an incredible journey and I’ve enjoyed it immensely. Hope we can keep talking until I run out of words – which I warn you could be a very long time. I’m a heavy-duty talker. Ask anyone.
Today though, in my cold-ridden condition I am not exactly brimming with ideas, so I will keep this short and do better tomorrow. Consider this one a Valentine from me to you.
1 comment:
Beautiful Valentine. Thanks to you I knew my followers were just let down, and not abandoning me. You spared me the panic you had to face alone. Strong coffee to the rescue yet again. :)
Glad the Blogger is up again and we are all still here. You can count on us:
One of the 27 followers...an Elmer follower
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