Thursday, March 22, 2012


I am so sorry to be gone this long, but I am really sick with some sort of bug that went through the store and then was active in Michigan when Eric went to Kalamazoo. I can't write a post yet, but wanted to let you know why the silence. Bear with me and I'll be back -- soon I hope.


Cheryl said...

Is there any improvement since Monday? A post as meager as this at least shows that you have navigated to the computer!

tess said...

Some, but not enough. I'm only on here today in dribs and drabs because I have to do some stuff for the book fair. Overall it's bad. I'm hoping for a vast improvement by tomorrow.

Hilda said...

I am so sorry to hear you are feeling so - yucky. Hopefully, tomorrow you will be on the road to recovery. I haven't heard of that particular bug going around near Wichita. We have the one between a cold and the flu. I've been knocking-on-wood as I hide from it. Take care.

tess said...

I think what you said about between a cold and the flue is what this is. It's fever, chills, terrible hacking cough that makes all your muscles hurt, and sinus headache. But the odd thing is that food doesn't entice you at ALL unless it's very plain. I lost five pounds and now weigh 95 which is not good.

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon. Keep the fluids up and try to sip some soup if possible today, Friday. Thinking of you!

Hilda said...

I have stopped by a couple of times checking to see if you are back and feeling better. Since there is no news I suspect that means you are still ill. I am thinking of you and hoping you are well soon.

tess said...

I wikll be back tomkorrow, Hilda. I am better and looking forward to it. Eruc bought a collection while I was sick so I am going through it now and will share the goodies tomorrow! I feel like it's been years since I talked to you all. I miss you!