I wish I could tell you that the reason I haven’t been
here is because of all the work I’ve accomplished, but that wouldn’t be true.
There’s a been a fair amount of lollygagging going on, especially yesterday
when I indulged in a four hour lunch with my neighbor Linda. It was her
birthday so we went to Sully’s Irish Pub for lunch and then to Limeberry for
frozen yogurt which we ate while sitting on a bench on the sidewalk like we had
nothing to do but watch the people with agendas stream by. I wish I’d taken my camera as Medina sparkled in the sun like a glossy Chamber of Commerce ad.
One funny thing did happen though. For some time now my friend
Darwin has been encouraging me to view estate sales as a venue for buying things other than books – nice things,
practical things that can save you a ton of money. So this winter I finally got
into the swing of it and bought two vintage purses (I have quite a penchant for
these, but used to pay top dollar from vintage clothing people), a tape
dispenser, and a giant basket of acrylic paints, for which I paid $2, $1.50 and
$5 respectively. As it happened, it was January when I bought the gorgeous straw purse shown
above, so I stashed it in the closet and pretty much forgot about it But just as
we were leaving for lunch I remembered it, raced upstairs to get it, and
quickly dumped the contents of my old purse into it before I flew out the door.
I had to go to the post office to ship books (Eric has been
in Indiana for a week), so I decided to get that odious job out of the way
first. Going to this particular post office is an ordeal for which one would be
well advised to chug down a bottle of pino grigio in advance . I had no choice
though because the one sole foreign order zapped
the possibility of going to the branch at the grocery store where life is good and
people are nice. But – surprise, surprise! – behind the counter stood a new young man, a young man who smiles at you and will
even read the numbers on the address for a Woman of a Certain Age who’d
forgotten her glasses and was squinting to fill out the customs form. I can’t
tell you what a rush this was. I was so happy with the whole thing I even
snuck an admiring look at the new purse when I put my checkbook back. That’s when
I saw it – the small $2 price tag facing out on display for the long line of
customers to view! At least it was a major good deal. These straw purses,
especially with a label, do not come cheap – unless of course you buy one for
$2 in the back bedroom of a house in Wooster. My fashionista friend Jessica (the
only friend I have who carries a dog in
her bag) stopped by this morning and declared it a major score.
Despite all the fun and games I did manage to get a lot
of books listed this week and even sold some. Sales seem excruciatingly slow to me, but when I look at the numbers I’m
doing better this month than last, thanks in part to three vintage children’s
books Eric got when I was sick from the woman who used to be an antiquarian
seller and belonged to NOBS. I even tossed a little virtual confetti over the
one pictured below, as it’s fairly scarce and commanded a good price on my
secret site (it also sold in two hours!). Actually I sold FOUR books over there
this week, but I think that streak’s deader than Gingrich’s run for
the presidency. Even my Alice Under Ground which, as you may recall, had been
lost for months in my mall booth where
someone had deliberately hidden it, failed to dazzle them. If they aren’t charmed
by THAT (see photo below) than I doubt I’m going to be winning any popularity contests soon.
The only real bright spot is the chairs. Remember the pair of fabulous green leather designer chairs (oh, Saturday
Evening Post, ye of little faith) I took to the mall? Well, I sold them for
Eric’s been gone all week though, so that’s been a
bummer. He’s coming back tomorrow (not soon enough!) and perhaps then we’ll do
that thing we used to like – estate sale shopping (I need serious furniture for
the mall again). The estates sales have just been dreadful here of late. I can’t
recall going to anything since before the antiquarian show. We’re also thinking
we might take a little road trip to Cincinnati next week. Two years ago we hit
a nice sale there where within two seconds I’d found a pair of rare Knight
Errant magazines that sold here on my blog
a year after I wrote about them. We’d planned to go last year, but my
friend Jessica (she of the dog in the
purse) gave us tickets for Jersey Boys for my birthday and – wouldn’t you know –
it coincided with the sale. It’s a long
haul to Cincy though and requires a hotel which makes it expensive, but Eric is
pushing to do it, so I guess we will.
I’m not expecting much though. Lightning, or so they say,
never strikes twice. When it comes to computers that's actually a GOOD
thing! But with book sales -- not so much.
Oh no! There is that $2 bag again tempting me! Get thee behind me Satan! I will give you $3 and it is sold!
Nice day you had. :) gin
I'm keeping this one! I think I paid my dues at the post office, though it was pretty funny!
Well, at least you made money on those wretched chairs. The pocketbook looks like a much better deal to me.
I wondered if you'd find that hidden in there! What you may not recall is that there were THREE chairs and I kept one which ended up being FREE and also made money on the other two. The third one is a thing of beauty too. :-) Oh, and I'm glad you like the purse.
Quick, sell the 3rd one while the market is hot!
How-DEE! Wasn't it Minnie Pearl who kept the price tag danging from her hat?
Ha-Ha! I am keeping that gorgeous FREE chair and will think of you every time I look at it. :-) Yeah, Nancy, Minnie did indeed do that as Paul Bauer so kindly informed me. Judy of Steff and Judy fame, however, tweeted me that I may just have invented a new way of marketing things!
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