Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas In Perpetual Motion!

Are we having fun yet? No we're not, but we will be soon! I hope you guys read this because I wanted very much to wish you a Merry Christmas and this is the first chance I had in two solid days to sit down in front of this computer for anything even remotely interesting. Get this -- I never even responded to yesterday’s orders. Is the world still standing????
Here’s what I’ve been doing:

Shopping, cleaning, lunching, gifting, talking, planning, grocery shopping, baking, wrapping, shopping,  gift downloading, dusting, vacuuming, cooking, stocking stuffing, table setting, centerpiece making, basket beautifying, and napkin ironing.

Yet to come is family greeting, cookie decorating, salad making, wine decanting, baby chasing, food presenting, messy cleaning, and Nerf guns playing. (Just found out about the latter.Wasn’t on the agenda). Then will come gift unwrapping, trash removing, vacuuming, and along about eight o’clock – COLLAPSING!

So here’s a little present from me to you which says all of the above better than I did. Hope it makes you laugh!

Merry Christmas to all! And may there be many books beneath your trees. :-)

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